Rep Roster

Gina Ward
Pawprints on the Heartland

Mr. Bill Warlop
HCC General Contractors

Amanda Warner
Security 1st Title

Ms. Mary Beth Warren
Statewide Director
K. U. Medical Center Area Health Education Center

Lindy Watson
Bank Manager
Landmark National Bank

Mrs. Melissa Weed
Honey Does LLC

Mark A. Werner
The Law Office of Mark A. Werner

Kari West
Lead Customer Solutions Manager

For all residential service questions, establishing a new residential service, or if you have billing issues, please call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-383-1183.

If you are an industrial customer in Crawford County, please call Kari West, 785-379-4351 or email

Rosie West
Executive Director
New Hope Services

Eva White
Community Resource Specialist
KVC Kansas

Jamey Whitney
Chief Financial Officer
Southeast Kansas Community Action Program Incorporated

Jeff Wilbert
Jeff Wilbert

Jeff Wilbert
Angels Among Us, Inc.

Ms. Shirley Wilbert
Rosa Bella, Inc.

Melanie Wiles
Gentiva Hospice

Mrs. Lynda Wilkinson
Wenlyn Farms LLC

Mr. Mylan Williams
Hy-Flo Equipment Company

Brandon Wilson
Bill's Electric Co.

Kevin Wilson
Holliday Sand & Gravel

Regina Winemiller
Regina Winemiller - David J. Powell & Associates, LLC

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